Termites can destroy your most valuable investment, your home or workplace!! The best prevention is a good inspection & if required, treatment or preventative measures
Termites have been around for several million years. Termites play a valuable role in the environment by helping break down fallen trees, logs and branches into organic material that helps enrich the soil.
Termites become pests when people build wooden structures that these wood loving insects love to eat!
There are Many types of Termites
- Dampwood Termites – Dampwood termites colonies can contain up to 4000 termites. Dampwood termites require contact with wood that has a very high moisture content in order to survive.
- Drywood Termites – Unlike dampwood or subterranean termites, drywood termites don’t need a constant moisture source to flourish. These termites swarm (generally in the spring time or the warmer months) and can fly into any crack or crevice in your home to start their colony. A drywood termite infestation can survive in the roof voids, sub-flooring areas, rafters and also in windows, windows trim, internal framing, etc.
- Subterranean Termites – Cause the vast majority of termite damage. This is because their underground colonies can number up to several hundred thousand termites. This species must stay in close contact with the soil and its moisture to prevent their bodies from drying out. Subterranean termites, like drywood and dampwood termites, have a caste system with a king, queen, soldiers, workers, nymphs and alates. The worker termites travel from the colony up into your home, feed on the wood, then return to the nest and pass nutrients to the remaining termites in the colony through their liquid excrement
Types of Termites

Nasutitermes Exitiosus
Nasutitermes is a species of snouted termite occurring in Australia. It is common in Canberra and parts of New South Wales

Coptotermes Lacteus
Coptotermes lacteus, the milk termite, is a species of termite in the family Rhinotermitidae, native to Australia. These termites are social insects and build a communal nest in the form of a mound.

Schedorhinotermes Intermedius
This destructive species of termite has two types of soldier. These are named Major and Minor. They are very similar in appearance with only a few subtle differences.

Dampwood Termites
Sometimes called the ‘rotten wood’ termite, dampwood termites are a species of the Termopsidae family. They are found where there is a high moisture content and wood decay, often in fallen logs and tree stumps in forests but also in the decaying wood found in buildings, fences, or other structures.

Heterotermes ferox
The Heterotermes Ferox– a species of termites, is widely distributed in southern areas of Australia. The soldiers in this species grow up to 3-6 mm long and are wingless, sterile and blind. The soldiers have a creamy appearance with long brown heads and mandibles. The termites in this species don’t build mounds.

Nasutitermes exitiosus
Nasutitermes is a species of snouted termite occurring in Australia. It is common in Canberra and parts of New South Wales.

Coptotermes Frenchi
Coptotermes frenchi, the Australian subterranean termite, is a species of termite in the family Rhinotermitidae. Termites are social insects and C. frenchi usually builds its communal nest in the root crown of a tree

Nasutitermes walkeri
Nasutitermes walkeri, commonly known as the tree termite, is a species of arboreal termite found in eastern New South Wales and southeastern Queensland, Australia

Coptotermes Acinaciformis
Coptotermes acinaciformis is a species of subterranean termite in the family Rhinotermitidae native to Australia. Termites are social insects and build a communal nest. In the case of C. acinaciformis, this is either in the root crown of a tree or underground